Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Important Vs Urgent

Throughout our day there is a conflict going on between what is important and what is urgent. The important needs to get done for us to live pleasant, fulfilled lives. But the urgent screams to be done first and often leaves no time for what is important.

Sometimes the urgent really does need to be done first. If the house is on fire, everything else must be placed on hold until it is put out. But usually what we perceive as urgent really isn’t.

The fact that your favorite TV show is coming on in 2 minutes may seem urgent, but taking time to hug your kids and listen to the problems they had in school that day is what is important.

Answering your emails may seem urgent, but taking time to plan your day so you can be productive is what is important.

Never become a slave to the seemingly urgent at the expense of what is important.

Ed Wills

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