Thursday, October 1, 2009

Unless You’re a Shrink, You Won’t Find Success On The Couch

Guess what. If you want to succeed, you have to get up and work for it.
I am a firm believer in goal setting and visualization. But to succeed you also have to get up and get cracking.
Whatever your field, there is a process that must be worked.
If you are in sales: Pick up the phone. Make the appointments. Do the presentations.
If you are a student: Go to the library. Pick up the books. Write the papers.
If you are in management: Design the metrics. Communicate your department goals. Train your team.
Work is not a curse, but a blessing. Even Adam and Eve had jobs in the Garden of Eden. Adam was the gardener, and Eve was his assistant.
The story of the grasshopper and the ant, popularized by Disney, actually has its roots in the writings of King Solomon.
Every goal has its labor, and today is a work day.

Ed Wills

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