Friday, October 9, 2009


I remember hearing this story as a child. An aging father had seven sons who were arguing. They came to their father and wanted their inheritances so they could go their separate ways. The father took seven sticks and bound them together and asked each son to break the bundle of sticks. Each tried as hard as he could but couldn’t break them. The father then said, “I will show you how to break them.” He then untied the bundle and broke each stick separately. He instructed his sons that if they stayed together and worked as a team, they would be unbreakable. But if they separated and each pursued his interests separately, they would be easily broken by any passerby.

No one succeeds alone. Every endeavor requires a team of visionaries, pragmatists and supporters. Know your strengths and surround yourself with those whose strengths support your weaknesses. Then you will all be unstoppable.

Ed Wills

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